Ci-Dev Supports Off-grid Solar Markets and Access to Energy
Ci-Dev Supports Off-grid Solar Markets and Access to Energy

This week the Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo is bringing together stakeholders, practitioners, and governments in Nairobi, Kenya to accelerate the development of the global off-grid solar market and work toward universal energy access by 2030. One of the World Bank’s initiatives in this space is the Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) which provides results-based carbon finance for projects that support off-grid solar markets and access to energy in low-income countries.
In Ethiopia, Ci-Dev is working to make high-quality, off-grid solar lighting products more affordable and increase consumer confidence in the market. Ci-Dev is supporting private sector solar companies that follow through on their warranty promises with a maintenance incentive and the demonstration of a warranty tracking and enforcement system, helping to bolster consumer confidence in the off-grid solar lighting market. In addition, revenues from approximately 800,000 certified emissions reductions will be used to make batteries for solar home systems more affordable for low-income households, including repair and replacement.
In Kenya, Ci-Dev is utilizing carbon finance to promote energy access in the most remote and rural parts of the country. Solar mini grids, solar home systems, community solar systems, and solar water pumps, installed under the Kenya Off-Grid Access Project for Underserved Counties (KOSAP), will provide much need energy access to households, public institutions, and community facilities in 14 under-served counties. The carbon revenues earned from the installation of these solar products will be used to support a household connection subsidy to make access more affordable for the poorest Kenyans. The funds will also support after-sale maintenance services, encouraging off-grid solar companies to maintain long-term relationships with customers.
Access to electricity can have a significant and positive impact on education, health, and productivity. Ci-Dev is helping to promote energy access, bolster markets for high quality, off-grid solar lighting products, and overcome key barriers to their adoption.
Photo credit: Corrie Wingate Photography/SolarAid