Ci-Dev Portfolio Makes Progress on Implementation
Ci-Dev Portfolio Makes Progress on Implementation

The Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) is making tangible progress on implementation of its portfolio. On January 15, 2020 the Ethiopia Biogas program had its first issuance, bringing the total number of programs delivering within the portfolio to nearly half.
The Ethiopia Biogas program is using carbon revenue to increase biodigester affordability for households and build capacity within the private sector to improve consumer confidence. Ci-Dev will purchase carbon credits generated by digesters installed through the National Biogas Program of Ethiopia, of which more than 16,000 have been installed as of 2019. The funds will allow for a subsidy, reducing the sale price of biodigesters for consumers, and will support a performance-based maintenance incentive. In addition, through the credit line under the Development Bank of Ethiopia, micro-finance institutions will have additional resources to assist households in purchasing biodigesters. Biogas digesters, which convert manure and organic household waste into a clean fuel that can be used for cooking, can reduce indoor air pollution created when solid wood fuels are burned for cooking and heating.
The West Africa Biodigesters in Burkina Faso, the Madagascar Ethanol Cookstoves, and the Uganda Rural Electrification programs have reached the significant milestone of a second issuance. Like the Ethiopia Biogas program, the West Africa Biodigesters program in Burkina Faso is using carbon revenues from Ci-Dev to disseminate information on the benefits of biodigesters for clean cooking and agricultural improvement, train masons on biodigester construction, and conduct quality control measures. The Madagascar Ethanol Cookstoves program is using Ci-Dev financing to subsidize the cost of ethanol stoves and help train local communities and entrepreneurs in setting up their own ethanol micro-distilleries to produce and sell the fuel. In Uganda, Ci-Dev will purchase emission reductions from on-grid connections implemented under Uganda’s Rural Electrification Strategy. Currently, more than 331,000 connection has been made as of 2019. The sale of these carbon credits will provide funding for a subsidy program to help low-income households connect to the grid.
(Photo of chili production from biodigester compost in Burkina Faso. Credit: Programme National de Biodigesteurs du Burkina Faso - PNB-BF)